Grammarly Check Overview — Spelling and Grammar

Craig Wilson
5 min readNov 4, 2020


Concerning grammar tools, I was almost skeptic when it comes to those cloud-based helpers. I was a serious idiot in high school, and perfect English was my passion.

I was fighting when I laughed at a joke for mispronouncing a word, and my English teacher called me to the board to chart the most difficult sentences. I was so advanced in high school that I skipped a year in college and graduated at twenty-one. I went on many adventures, but my primary profession was teaching English as a foreign language.

I received my first postgraduate certificate from the University of Wales, Swansea. This educational institution is known for its English program.

In my career, I have taught English in high schools, universities, and large corporations, including Standard and Poor. I eventually earned a master’s degree with honors from King’s College London in English and Applied Linguistics.

King’s College is the best school in the country for this advanced English degree.

My dissertation was so excellent that a publishing house contacted me to publish my writing in the wild. My dissertation is the first book I have published. With more postgraduate qualifications, a dissertation published, and a teaching career that started with a perfect PSAT score, I could not imagine what something like Grammarly could offer me.

I am honored to inform you that my experience makes me uniquely qualified to review Grammarly.

Grammarly is a useful application that is very popular among professional writers, bloggers, and people who need to create flawless texts at work. The basic version is free, so you may be wondering if it is worth paying for the Grammarly Premium, an upgraded paid version?

Sure, it is! I will explain to you more in this article.

What is Grammarly In General?

Grammarly is an online spelling and grammar check. This brief description says three important things.

One, check for spelling mistakes, two, your grammar and text consistency, and three, it is essential to have an Internet connection to make sure Grammarly works for you.

You can look at it if you often write texts and have problems with correct spelling.

Edits typos you make after mistakes, or typos you make due to lack of knowledge. In our case, it often comes from the fact that we know the word; we use it in spoken form, but we have never seen it written on paper, so we are not sure about the correct spelling.

Here we would like to share a step-by-step where we think the grammar checking tool is useful.

Millions of people around the world use Grammarly daily.

And a native English speaker needs to avoid misspellings and wants to sound more professional, and foreigners need a little more help with the text.

We belong to the second category. Although we know that there is still room for improvement, we liked most about this editing software (besides constantly correcting our typos) because we can naturally learn English grammar.

Grammarly Features

Perfect spelling and grammar check

Performs background and grammar checks while working. He always gets smarter and learns how to write. Do ninety percent of the work of a professional editor.

Easy to use

Given how powerful this tool really is, it’s amazing how simple the interface is. Editing massive documents is three times faster than using the Word tool. Errors and proposed changes are easy to read.


Most people think that spelling and grammar checking should be free. We are used to them as part of our processors. However, this product will save you more than the price just saved during the first month.

Summary: As a professional author, I can not afford to make mistakes at the door. When I first heard people pay for spelling, I thought they were funny. After picking up Grammarly on the turn, I changed the tune. I have improved the quality and speed of my writing. In the first week of use, Grammarly paid for himself ten times more. I can charge higher rates for projects and publish books much faster.


  • Catching mistakes also protects you from bad reviews
  • It can catch plagiarism and save you from a serious lawsuit
  • Edit documents in minutes instead of hours
  • Improves the overall quality of your writing and captures excessive adjectives and metaphors
  • Saves on editor costs


  • Can only handle documents up to 65 pages
  • Works only online; if you disconnect from the Internet, it must be restarted
  • WordPress integration does not always work with complicated themes
  • Occasionally rub in a loop and recommend a change, then repeat it over and over again

How to Use Grammarly?

It’s super easy to use Grammarly!

We are accustomed to writing in a Grammarly editor right away. Some people do not like it because it shows you the mistakes you make in real-time, but that is actually what we value because we can make changes all the time.

If you do not want to write in the Grammarly application (it is still safe), or in case you do not have an internet connection when you want to write, it is possible to write your text in Word or any text document, and then either copies it to Grammarly or sends it.

This way, you will only use Grammarly to do the last one at a time.

Grammarly also syncs with Microsoft Office, Outlook, or Mac applications, so using them in your favorite text editors is no problem.

One of the most popular features is Chrome Extension, which allows your clients to add the extension for free, and then your email or any text you type in Chrome will be checked for grammar and typos.

Last but not least, you can download the Grammarly keyboard to your phone.


Grammarly is great at catching these bugs types and increases the efficiency and speed of my working time. Grammarly costs more than $ 100 a year, and that’s not a joke for your average consumer. The free version is more than suitable for many people, but if you make money from writing, then the update is worth every penny.

Grammarly saves me time. Only then does the software make a mandatory purchase. The faster I write, the more money I make, or the more time I can spend with my family.



Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson

Written by Craig Wilson

I am a tech journalist, and I enjoy meeting new people and finding ways to help them have an uplifting experience.

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